August 2024 - now

DINA Elektronik - Senior Frontend Developer

Adding new features to a machine risk assessment platform using TailwindCSS, TypeScript and Vue. Moving from AntDesignVue to a custom component library using plain Vue and TailwindCSS

March 2023 - May 2024

Journi - Senior Frontend Developer

Expanding on the rich web experiences of the Journi Print web editors and marketing pages. Bringing the system to the bleeding edge with automated Cypress end-to-end testing, TypeScript and replacing the oldschool Express.js reverse proxy with native Next.js functionality. Rewriting the blogging platform from scratch in Next.js 13+, TypeScript, Zustand and TailwindCSS

September 2022 - November 2022

all about apps - Typescript Frontend Engineer

Creating a cutting edge trading platform for shares on YouTube video revenue. Implementing the frontend and handle the data from Supabase in the Next.js frontend with TypeScript, auto-type- generation from Supabase and Material UI as frontend library

March 2020 - August 2022

Fluxguide - Full Stack App Engineer

Developing mobile apps from UX/UI concepts (mostly done in Adobe XD) to implementing them in a Cordova container running Vue and using a custom CMS. Rewriting this PHP based CMS backend to Express.js with clean REST APIs

May 2019 - January 2020

Wiener Zeitung Digital Digital Publications -Junior Full Stack Engineer

Full stack development of an eTendering platform with ASP.Net Core, Blazor/Razor components and Typescript. Building with Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing and Test Driven Development as design principles in an agile scrum team

Personal- and community projects

May 2024

Vienna Free Tampon Finder

Creating a online map with Maplibre and Maptiler to make free menstrual products discoverable in the city of Vienna